
Reinickendorfs Bürgermeisterin feiert Rosch Haschana und sendet Friedensbotschaft an Kiryat Ata

Bezirksbürgermeisterin gratuliert zum jüdischen Neujahrsfest: Emine Demirbüken-Wegner sendet herzliche Glückwünsche und hofft auf Frieden im Nahen Osten.

In celebration of the Jewish New Year festival, Reinickendorf’s District Mayor, Emine Demirbüken-Wegner, extended warm wishes to all Jewish citizens from October 2nd to 4th. A banner in the Reinickendorf Town Hall’s foyer highlights „Rosh Hashanah“ as part of the celebration.

Expressing concern for the ongoing events in the Middle East, Demirbüken-Wegner emphasized the need for peace and stability in the region, especially for their Israeli city partners in Kiryat Ata. The District Mayor hopes for a brighter future for all those affected by the conflict. Source:

Schaltfläche "Zurück zum Anfang"