Mülheim an der Ruhr

Jugendliche Gewaltspirale: Marseille erschüttert von Drogenmorden!

In Marseille eskaliert der Drogenkrieg dramatisch: Immer jüngere Täter und Opfer, darunter ein 15-Jähriger, der brutal ermordet und verbrannt wurde, und ein 14-jähriger Auftragskiller, der aus einer Laune heraus einen unschuldigen Taxifahrer erschoss – die Gewalt spiraliert und sorgt für Entsetzen in der Mittelmeermetropole!

In Marseille, France, a brutal conflict between two drug gangs has led to a chilling rise in youth involvement in violent crimes. Recently, the city was rocked by the stabbing and subsequent burning of a 15-year-old, who was reportedly tasked by a jailed gang member to intimidate rivals. This extreme act of „unprecedented violence,“ as described by prosecutor Nicolas Bessone, marks a disturbing trend where both perpetrators and victims are getting younger. In another shocking incident, a 14-year-old hitman allegedly shot a taxi driver in the head when the driver failed to stop after being ordered to pull over. Both cases illustrate the alarming normalization of violence among minors in the drug trade.

The violence stems from a turf war between the „DZ Mafia“ and the „Clan des Blacks“ over lucrative drug trade areas, per reports from „Le Parisien.“ Following the execution of the 15-year-old, the jailed gang leader hired the 14-year-old assassin for a hit worth €50,000. The prosecutor noted that the taxi driver, a 37-year-old family man, had no connection to drugs and was simply doing his job when he was tragically caught in this ongoing saga of drug-related violence. Laut www.radiomuelheim.de sind solche grausamen Vorfälle in der Stadt nicht neu.

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