Effektive Strategien gegen unangenehme Gerüche und Maden in der Biotonne
Im Sommer, besonders während des Grillens, ist es ärgerlich, nicht nur den Duft von gegrilltem Fleisch, sondern auch den Geruch faulender Essensreste aus der Biotonne in der Nase zu haben. Die Stadt Wilhelmshaven hat einige nützliche Tipps, um diesem Problem vorzubeugen.
Madenbildung vermeiden
Madness occurs when cooked food scraps and organic waste are disposed of in the waste bin without being wrapped. Flies have unrestricted access to lay their eggs in this way. However, the spread of pests and unpleasant odors can be prevented, according to city spokesperson Julia Muth.
Line the container with newspaper
Especially in summer, food scraps should be disposed of in sealed waste bags exclusively through the residual waste container (gray bins), and the pre-sorting bucket in the kitchen should be emptied every two to three days. Damp organic waste should be wrapped in newspaper before disposal, and the bottom of the container should be lined with newspaper after each emptying to prevent moisture buildup. Additionally, it is beneficial for the compost bin to be placed in a shady spot, as strong sunlight promotes the decay process and thus the formation of odors and maggots.
Avoid compacting
If pests develop in the compost bin, the container should only be cleaned with clear water. Chemicals can damage the material. It is often found that plastic bags are included in the compost bins. The city emphasizes that no plastic should be placed in the brown bin. Even compostable waste bags do not belong in the compost bin as they disrupt the composting process. They do not decompose quickly enough and interfere with the compost, leading to manual sorting at the recycling plant. There is a risk that the compost bin will not be emptied due to incorrect filling. More information can be found at www.wirfuerbio.de.
Also, compacting and pressing down organic waste is not allowed, as it can prevent the bin from being emptied completely or cause it to tear when tipping.
By following these simple steps, residents can effectively combat the unpleasant odors and maggots that often arise in the compost bin during the summer months.